Many individuals find themselves sitting in front of computers for extended periods due to work, and others place significant importance on watching TV as...
The UN’s World Meteorological Organization warns of severe global climate change impacts on the water cycle. Over half of water catchment areas deviate from...
In today’s fast-paced society, an abundance of delectable processed foods poses a potential threat to brain function, impacting intelligence, reflexes, and emotional regulation. Taipei,...
An Australian observational study revealed that individuals, particularly consumers of black tea, exhibited a 50% reduced likelihood of developing prediabetes compared to non-tea drinkers,...
Beyond toothache and eating challenges, periodontal disease has been linked to the development of depression. Findings from a United Kingdom study indicate that 37%...
According to the EU, the average person discards 12 kilograms of clothing and shoes annually, leading to serious environmental disasters. Therefore, the European Union...
New research indicates that a 1.5-degree Celsius global temperature rise threatens over half of the world’s glaciers by century’s end, imperiling freshwater supplies for...